Saturday, November 12, 2011

Dawn is Breaking 11.18.11, Hearts Are Shaking, and Love is Awakening:)

So.. I am one of the biggest twi-hard fans you will ever know.. Except I've eased up over the years. I used to have a shrine of edward in my room and posters, stickers, bags, t-shirts, the whole sha-bang. But something that I just think that is extremely crazy is that the last book is now the current movie.. I've like devoted my teenage life to this book series and now it's almost over!! Oh how the time flies...
And don't forget to check out ALL the movie soundtracks!! WAY good music. Be sure to at least listen to the Breaking Dawn one that came out just a week ago.. I would put the music on my playlist for ya but it's not working!! sorry:/... I cried when i listened to it for the first time! Just listen to it, and you'll see why. :')

Then there is the conflicting decision between Edward and Jacob. All the people who chose Jacob even before the movie came out are proud of themselves for it because Taylor Lautner is just amazing... I get it. ha! BUT even though in like the first couple movies Edward seemed to be a little lacking in lookin good (lets face it, rob pattinson wasnt pulling off the super pale look) But I just looooooove him in the book! So, in the end... both guys are great! Some people say Edward is too controlling.. uh Hello? He's just doing cause he loves bella so much and doesn't want anything to happen to her!! and plus Jacob is the same way. And this is why i am a true member of Team Switzerland.

PHINEAS AND FERB BIT: (Ive decided to add this new part to most posts i do since it's pretty much the funniest show.. and i think more teens and adults watch it than little kids do) So they had this Halloween episode and Candace was trying to get her mom to come bust her little brothers. She finds her mom in the movie theater and was watching the new 'vampire' movie that was called Early Evening. I think I pretty much died of laughter. Satires are freakin hilarious. And that's why I love Phineas and Ferb.. hahah

p.s. Ive been to every single midnight premiere. Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, and now Breaking Dawn Part One.. Im not breaking the tradition!!!

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